Spaces For Encounter
Rooted in the spiritual tradition of St. Francis and St. Clare and the communal contemplative practice of the Circle Table Process, the Franciscan Solidarity Table is intended to enkindle the Holy Spirit within us and to move us toward being a community of love in action.
The Circle Table
We understand the Circle Table Process as a communal contemplative practice. It affirms the importance of listening and speaking from the heart within a circle of men and women.
Spaces For Encounter understands the Circle Table Process as a communal contemplative practice. It affirms the importance of listening and speaking from the heart within a circle of men and women. But it also recognizes the circle as being more than the sum of its parts. Franciscan Solidarity Tables wants to be open to the mystery of the Spirit that arises within the wisdom and discernment of the Table. It recognizes that we run out of words in the presence of something larger than ourselves. This necessarily widens the circumference of the circle, extending our vision to a wider community to which we also have to listen.
Additionally, Spaces For Encounter has also embraced technology to develop virtual circle tables as another opportunity to connect men and women on their spiritual journey. We encourage all men and women to join us in a virtual circle table. and we invite you to learn more on our Virtual Council page.
The Circle Table Process is the Franciscan Solidarity Tables is our primary practice, implemented at all levels of our work, from FST Gatherings to all of work in the public square, from our homes to our wider communities. We respect this enough to equip men and women to do it well, but we acknowledge that council emerges apart from our efforts to control it. Circles have an archetypal life of their own. Circle Tables are the best teacher of the Circle Table.
In justice and support, we are inspired to set tables of peace and friendship, which nourish action in the public square. As a community of seekers, we are committed to a spiritual practice that embodies five core elements: 1) inclusiveness, 2) gentleness and mercy, 3) a contemplative spirit, 4) a call to justice, and 5) individual formation. For an overview of Franciscan spirituality, please read an introduction here.
An Invitation
"The table of bread and wine is now to be made ready. It is the table of company of Jesus, and all who love him. It is the table of sharing with the poor of the world, with whom Jesus identified himself. It is the table of communion with the earth, in which Christ became incarnate. So come to this table, you who have much faith and you who would like to have more; you who have been here often and you who have not been for a long time; you who have tried to follow Jesus, and you who have failed; come. It is Christ who invites us to meet him here". — Iona Abbey.